一、爱琴海地区 1.奥林匹亚宙斯神庙(Olympia),公元前460年建造,是古希腊祭祀众神之神宙斯的地方。它和雅典的巴特农神庙,以及以弗所的阿佛洛狄特神庙并称为希腊三大建筑奇迹,也是联合国世界文化遗产之一。 2.阿陀琉斯陵墓(Thermai of Aphakis, Troy),在土耳其西海岸,传说中特洛伊战争的遗址。这个“陵墓”其实是由数个温泉浴池组成的公共浴室建筑群,已经使用几百年了。不过现在只有两个浴池仍然在使用中。
3.迈锡尼文明(Mycenaean Civilization)主要遗迹有: Mycenae, Tiryns, Pylos(Palamidi), Thebes (Lousios Gorge), Orthostates, Midea 和Minoan Palace at Knossos。
二、伯罗奔尼斯地区 1.圣山(Mount Athos, also known as the Holy Mountain or the Holy Mount),位于欧洲巴尔干半岛北部的希腊境内。这里坐落着四座东正教修道院,由修士们居住、修行,他们平时禁止和外界接触,被称为Athonite Hermits,也有人说他们是Monks或者Fool-hermits 。据称这里的修士已经存在上千年了……而且据说至今都保持着很古早的风貌——不许和外人接触,所以没有照片流传出来。
2.圣山脚下有很多历史名城,比如Daphni Monastery, Stavronikita Monastery etc, 还有Palaiofourni village, which is a nice place to stay overnight if you are interested in hiking on Mt Athos during summer and getting some fresh air after all those historical buildings. Also it's very close to Thessaloniki, so you can take an afternoon off from walking around that city too :)
三、希腊北部 1.Osiander Gate - 在Nea Episkopi村附近,可以顺便看一下Chalkidike的景色,还可以去附近的海滩玩一下~如果走公路的话还要翻过一座山才能到Osiander gate。我那次是从一个村庄走路过去的,感觉风景很好; 建议下午4点左右过去。因为那里要收门票8欧一张,5人以上才能享受团体票7欧/人。然后从那个门进去之后就是一片小森林,里面有一个博物馆和一个雕像。
2.Meteora - Meteora means “middle of the sky”, referring to the position of the six monasteries, which were built high above the plains ofThessaly and the sea. This area has been sacred for centuries because of its many hot springs – one such spring, named Daphne , is just below this cluster of monasteries! There’re other places nearby worth checking out, like Kastraki village, where there’s another small museum with information about the area&monastersies called Museum of Byzantine Culture. And finally, near the monastery of Varlaam , I found these beautiful old water mills, which date back to ancient times! 这些水车是在一个叫做Varlaam的修道院内发现的。